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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Inspiration From Above

Check out two great billboard advertisements, both used in an innovative incredible way. The first billboard is done by Leo Burnett for McDonald's, which acts as a sun dial to create a shadow of the McDonald's arch over a different breakfast food for each hour of the morning. The second is for a lubricating cream done by Grey International.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Coke Side of Life

Coca Cola is taking it's turn trying to generate a viral video campaign as it introduces it's newest slogan "The Coke Side of Life." The newest video done by Wieden + Kennedy/Amsterdam features an artist getting inspiration through Coke to see colors and other artistic visuals, all set to an indie rock soundtrack. You know, to better connect with the kids. Check out the way in which Coke has been rather "restless" with its slogans in the past.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Instant Def

Check out the the newest campaign from Snickers featuring the Black Eyed Peas. Instant Def is an interactive online website with a 5 part web series of short films using a combination of animation and live video starring members of the Black Eyed Peas. The premise of the series pits old school Hip Hop against its successors. The Instant Def characters, played by the peas, represent the old school culture and they take on representatives of the money driven "bling" culture. Good Vs. Bling? Just go check it out.

The Luck of the Irish

Check out this advertising for the Irish beer company Smitchwick's. Great use of outdoor. I love when advertising becomes bigger than a message and actually impacts its physical reality. This luck filled Beer Billboard took bronze in Cannes Lions this year.

Bring It On Redbull

This is a brilliant use of the often mind numbing direct marketing medium. A can of Red Bull was delivered in a box that contained a thousand piece, completely white puzzle. It doesn't matter that most people will never attempt the puzzle, it's the idea, which is communicated both physically and powerfully, that counts - Red Bull can help you accomplish any thing. Great work by 10 AM Communications, Singapore. Love the copy too, Bring it On.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rock N Roll Elderly

Check out these new ads for RockAxis magazine. Portraying the likes of Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon and Jim Morrison as elderly people, they really are incredibly intriguing. For music fans, they let you imagine what they might these guys may have looked life if they lived to become grandparents. Although they might creep some people out, controversial thought provoking advertising is always one thing, effective.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Soccer Urinal

With the World Cup in full effect it seems like a good time to start posting some of the incredible soccer themed advertisements from around the world. My personal favorite, installed in select Brazilian pubs, is a campaign that takes the concept of captive audience a step further. A makeshift small plastic goal and a miniture looking ball placed on the urinal's splash guard and it's officially game time. The print ad above the toilet is the perfect compliment as well. It translates to "Soccer is good everywhere, but it's much better on ESPN."

Mark Jenkins street art

Check out this new street installation done by Mark Jenkins in D.C. It's really incredible. Mark creates sculptures out of tape, and then in this case put clothes on the sculpture. Advertisers should take notes from this innovative, guerilla street artists, watch how his work stops people in their tracks. Do yourself a favor and check out more of Mark's work at his site.
Mark Jenkins

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


As myspace becomes bigger and bigger, there are countless social networking sites plotting to take down the champ. The latest, MOG, is music focused and includes obvious but useful features like favorite artist this month or most recently played track. But what makes it slick is the MOG-O-MATIC plugin that trolls your iTunes library to compile all this information automatically. Of course there are also manual features like photo albums and blogging, but I find the tools for discovering new music most useful. MOG is still in private beta, but if you ask around you should be able to find an invite.

Oh so this is what it's like.

I saw this ad from wonderbra today and I just had to put it up on the blog. You know when you see a incredible looking person, and you just can't help but stare. You try to look away so they don't catch you, but you just cant help yourself. Well for the newest campaign for wonderbra, the print advertisement puts you in their position. The result is really something that not only is a fantastic ad, but also a scary look into the life of a hot female. I dont know if ladies will see this and want to buy a pushup bra or wear a sweatshirt forever, but either way its clearly good advertising.

Monday, June 05, 2006

one red paperclip

Media buzz is coming from that country above the US this week, and it's definitly not about the NHL Stanley Cup Finals that also happen to start today. The hooplah is all about Canadien Kyle MacDonald and his nifty little website that's gaining a lot of exposure due to it's unique concept. The plan: Kyle is trying to trade one red paperclip in exchange for a house. While this may seem like a bad deal for the homeowner, he is actally coming pretty close to sealing the deal. How is this possible? check it out for yourself. do it.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Apple + Nike = Batman

Mark Parker and Steve Jobs, CEOs of Nike and Apple, announced the first collaboration between the two companies. Eighteen months in the making, Nike Plus is the first of many (we hope) products from these two much-admired consumer product brands. And while this is a great first step, the big story is what other products the two will introduce over time.

Nike Plus is a technology that allows runner’s shoes to communicate with their iPod Nanos. The Nike+iPod Sport kit consists of a small oval pod that you insert under the liner of your shoe (much like a SIM card), and a small transmitter that attaches to your Nano. The kit will cost $29. You load up your Nano with selections from the iTunes Store’s new Nike Sport Music section, manage your workout on the NikePlus site, put on your Nike Plus gear, and you are good to go. Also in consideration is just throwing on a pair of old shorts and going for a run without a musical soundtrack, but that's so 1997.