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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Inspiration From Above

Check out two great billboard advertisements, both used in an innovative incredible way. The first billboard is done by Leo Burnett for McDonald's, which acts as a sun dial to create a shadow of the McDonald's arch over a different breakfast food for each hour of the morning. The second is for a lubricating cream done by Grey International.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Coke Side of Life

Coca Cola is taking it's turn trying to generate a viral video campaign as it introduces it's newest slogan "The Coke Side of Life." The newest video done by Wieden + Kennedy/Amsterdam features an artist getting inspiration through Coke to see colors and other artistic visuals, all set to an indie rock soundtrack. You know, to better connect with the kids. Check out the way in which Coke has been rather "restless" with its slogans in the past.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Instant Def

Check out the the newest campaign from Snickers featuring the Black Eyed Peas. Instant Def is an interactive online website with a 5 part web series of short films using a combination of animation and live video starring members of the Black Eyed Peas. The premise of the series pits old school Hip Hop against its successors. The Instant Def characters, played by the peas, represent the old school culture and they take on representatives of the money driven "bling" culture. Good Vs. Bling? Just go check it out.

The Luck of the Irish

Check out this advertising for the Irish beer company Smitchwick's. Great use of outdoor. I love when advertising becomes bigger than a message and actually impacts its physical reality. This luck filled Beer Billboard took bronze in Cannes Lions this year.

Bring It On Redbull

This is a brilliant use of the often mind numbing direct marketing medium. A can of Red Bull was delivered in a box that contained a thousand piece, completely white puzzle. It doesn't matter that most people will never attempt the puzzle, it's the idea, which is communicated both physically and powerfully, that counts - Red Bull can help you accomplish any thing. Great work by 10 AM Communications, Singapore. Love the copy too, Bring it On.